Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Distractions to the Race

     A few weekends ago I woke my family up early, had a quick breakfast, and then drove into downtown Lexington for a special event. It was Saint Patrick's Day and we had committed to run/walk in the annual Shamrock Shuffle. The Shuffle is a small 3k race that kicks of the Saint Patrick's Day festivities. We had talked about participating for a year and two and finally signed up and paid the entrance fees this year so we knew we would follow through.
     My wife, the kids, and I found ourselves in a mass of people at the starting line. We stayed back away from the serious runners and planted ourselves about midway through the pack with our two children. My 2 year old son in his stroller was our excuse for not jogging :) When the gun went off we braced ourselves to rush off and then sat for another minute or two while the crowd finally started to get into a rhythm. My eight year old daughter was excited and bouncing up and down as we walked -her hair bouncing back and forth with each step. My son was hunched all the way forward in his stroller staring down at his shoes as if to say, "Why did you even put these things on me if you weren't going to let me run?" Since we were walking instead of running, we were determined to at least walk at a brisk pace.
     We were three-quarters of the way through the race with only a few blocks left and the finish line virtually in sight when the unthinkable happened! There just to our right a familiar sign rose up along the sidewalk as we approached and a welcoming fragrance began to fill the air. There on the corner of the street within easy reach sat my Achilles heel -Dunkin' Donuts! How could they do such a thing? Who planned this route...didn't they know the danger...had they no compassion or common decency? Even as I stared longingly at the front door out came two of our event comrades in their race shirts with their numbers pinned proudly where all could see. It wasn't fair. It wasn't their fault they fell from grace...there were donuts and coffee calling to them...
     The truth is, they had probably already finished running and came back for donuts before we managed to walk the distance; but there's no fun in telling the story like that. I admit I was very tempted. And, every excuse imaginable came to mind. We didn't have much of a breakfast. We weren't really racing anyway, just walking with the kids. We didn't care about our times. This was just for fun, and eating donuts and fresh coffee would be fun, right? But we stood strong and plowed through managing to reach the finish line where the shouts of our adoring fans welcomed us. Okay, I know they were just race program personnel, but let me have my moment -I gave up donuts for goodness sake!
     Later in the day I was thinking about this experience and wondered how many things in my Christian life might parallel these circumstances. There are a lot of expectations and desires God has for me to live out on a daily basis. Do everything as if you were doing it for My glory. Be my ambassador to the poor and broken-hearted. Let people know they are deeply loved by me. Represent me well. Be a good steward of your time and resources, etc. These are goals God has for my life that I try to live into. But, on the way accomplishing these goals in my everyday life I often become entangled by distractions -Dunkin' Donuts and coffee for my mind and spirit.
     "Yes God, I see that woman standing outside her car with the hood up...but I'm supposed to be meeting someone in 15 minutes!"
     "Yes Lord, that person sitting at the table in the corner looks tired and burdened; but, I'm here to catch up with an old friend I don't get to see to often..."
     "Yes Lord, I hear you telling me that I should go to that training next Saturday, but it's my only free weekend this month..."
     When I gave my life to God and started this relationship with him, I told him he was in charge and I would entrust him with running my life as he saw fit. I know he loves me deeply and will order my life to make it abundant and rewarding, stretching and fruitful. He has never given me any reason to doubt the goals and pursuits he calls me to day by day; but, my own dreams, desires, and the pleasures of this world frequently hit my senses like donuts and coffee. They lure me to linger from following through on the life God is calls me to pursue. Sometimes I'm tempted to take a short break or detour; after all, surely I can catch up with God later and he'll understand.
     At times like that God often brings to mind passages like:

     Philippians 3:12b-14 - "... I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me. Brothers, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus."

     I am especially reminded of a verse that has great meaning for us here in the middle of Holy Week:
Luke 9:51  - "As the time approached for him to be taken up to heaven, Jesus resolutely set out for Jerusalem."

     Jesus, knowing the end was drawing near, and knowing what awaited him at the hands of the Sanhedrin, Pilate, Herod, etc...knowing the suffering to come, the betrayal, the shame, the cruelty...RESOLUTELY set out for Jerusalem. I'm sure along that road to Jerusalem, Gethsemane, and Golgotha there were many temptations to go an easier road. To enjoy some simple pleasure while avoiding the harder race before him. What if Jesus allowed himself to be easily distracted from the mission at hand? Where would I be now?
     Thank you Jesus for seeing us as the prize and longing for us with a passion and strength that left no room for distraction. Teach me and grow me into a person who can follow you with that kind of selfless abandon. You deserve it. And at the end of the day, nothing compares to the greatness of knowing and walking with you, Lord.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012


Hello all, long time no write...right? I can't believe it's been almost two months since I posted. What can I say? Life's been busy. Between holiday schedules, family time, out-of-town training, my normal work routine, end of the year reports, etc.; life has been full. I'm sure you know the feeling.

I must admit I don't really regret or feel bad about not posting. The truth is that of all the things on my plate during the busy time, it made the most sense to let this simmer on the back burner for a while. However, I do have one regret. I noticed that in my last post I ended with the statement that I had more posts coming soon. And then I dug myself a pit of shame...I said, "I promise."

There was nothing shameful about it at the time. But, now almost two months later it is safe to say I never followed through on that promise. It may seem like a small thing; and yet, I take sticking to my word very seriously. I hope you do too. When I realized what I had done, a verse from scripture popped into my head. Matthew 5:37 says, "Simply let your 'Yes' be 'Yes,' and your 'No,' 'No'; anything beyond this comes from the evil one." In other words, make sure there is integrity in what you say and follow through.

Especially as a Christian I think this is very important. The way we live, the content of our character, the integrity of our speech, how we treat others; all of these are ways we can earn the right to speak into people's lives. If we treat people disrespectfully, if we are hypocritical in the things we profess, if we fail to follow through on our promises; then people probably won't respect us enough to listen to what we have to say. Especially when they are broken and need help. So, I apologize for not following through on my promise. And, I hope you stay tuned in the weeks and months to come. Blessings!