Monday, December 5, 2011

Wow, time flies! It's been a long time since I posted. But God has been stirring several things up in me lately, so stay tuned and I'll get them all logged over the next few days. One thing I'll share quickly is the blessing, conviction and inspiration I've been finding in several songs by the group Leeland. One in particular is their song "Carried to the Table" Check out this video; and then what I'm going to say next will perhaps be more meaningful.

When I first heard this song I was moved by the imagery of Jesus carrying us to the communion table and finally the heavenly banquet table. These are places where we have no right, ability or personal merit  to reach on our own. We must be carried because we are broken and wounded and weak. And in His great love for us, God makes a way. We are lovingly picked up from our lowly state and seated at the table with the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Even me! What wondrous love is this!  He carried us because that's what rescuers do for those in need. But more importantly, He carried us because He didn't want to sit down at the table without us. There is a place at the Father's table for each of us. And it doesn't matter what you have or haven't done. We are prodigals -all of us.  What matters is what He has done for us!

There will be more coming soon...I promise. Till then, blessings,