When I first started my relationship with Jesus Christ, I was a 7 year old at Aldersgate Camp. Doing life together with others in an atmosphere permeated by God's love was a big motivator in the decision to give my heart to God. I wish I could say that relationship simply grew constantly and unfailingly from there. But like so many others I have talked to, I floundered and forgot or ignored God through most of my teen years. I was a senior at Kubasaki High School in Okinawa before I began to listen to God's gentle whispers calling me home to Him once more. I might not have listened and returned had it not been for a good friend God gave me at that time in my life. Together, we decided to place God first in our lives and follow Him whole-heartedly. Individually we were weak and struggled, but together we found the courage to grow and reach others for Christ. That was 25 years ago now -Wow! I feel suddenly old. But in those 25 years God has shown me over and over again a valuable truth: Christians grow deepest and best when they are doing the Christian life together. I have made it a priority over the years to keep myself in encouraging, accountable community.
Virtual community -like blogs, social networking, etc. has definite limits. There is no substitute for face to face contact with people in a local body of Christ-followers. However, in this day of high volume connectivity through the Web, it is possible to have conversations with people from all over the globe. It seems a waste not to make use of this larger forum for doing life together. God, in His infinite power and presence works individually in each and every person's life. Even before we care about Him, even before we reach out for relationship with Him, He has already been reaching out to us. He calls us, comforts us, challenges us and teaches us daily if we will listen. We each have a story -a journey to travel. As I continue to walk in relationship with God through Jesus Christ, His Spirit is shaping me day by day. And the more God reveals to me about Himself, the more captivated and awestruck I am. Perhaps some of what He is showing me might resonate with you. And perhaps what you share in comments might resonate with me. Like sparks touching down in dry tinder a fire can be ignited leaving us all a little warmer and the world a little brighter. I hope you will drop in on occasion and join me on the journey.
Virtual community -like blogs, social networking, etc. has definite limits. There is no substitute for face to face contact with people in a local body of Christ-followers. However, in this day of high volume connectivity through the Web, it is possible to have conversations with people from all over the globe. It seems a waste not to make use of this larger forum for doing life together. God, in His infinite power and presence works individually in each and every person's life. Even before we care about Him, even before we reach out for relationship with Him, He has already been reaching out to us. He calls us, comforts us, challenges us and teaches us daily if we will listen. We each have a story -a journey to travel. As I continue to walk in relationship with God through Jesus Christ, His Spirit is shaping me day by day. And the more God reveals to me about Himself, the more captivated and awestruck I am. Perhaps some of what He is showing me might resonate with you. And perhaps what you share in comments might resonate with me. Like sparks touching down in dry tinder a fire can be ignited leaving us all a little warmer and the world a little brighter. I hope you will drop in on occasion and join me on the journey.
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